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Black Dog

Marking & registration
of dogs

Small Puppy

Adoption of dogs

Golden Dog

Issuance of a dog license

Marking and registration of dogs:

What you should know

There are many pet owners in our country and their number is constantly increasing. The dog is the most common pet, not only because of what it offers to humans through the entertainment and companionship it provides, but also because it is an intelligent and easily trainable animal that is widely used as a valuable human aid in a large number of tasks. The responsible ownership of this animal is the cornerstone for its protection and well-being. The dog is admittedly the best friend of man, but in no case can it be considered a toy. A pet dog is an animal that is directly dependent on humans and its possession requires care, respect for its needs and above all responsibility and therefore dog owners should take care of both the health and care of their animals , as well as for their marking and registration.


• Legislation


In Cyprus, dog ownership is governed by the Animal Welfare Law of 2002 and 2005, as amended or replaced. These laws, among other things, define the obligations of dog owners, which include the mandatory marking of dogs, their registration in a register kept at the Veterinary Services and obtaining a residence permit from the local authority (Municipal or Community Council) of the place of residence of the dog.

• Marking of dogs


The only acceptable method of marking dogs in Cyprus is by implanting subcutaneously in the body of the animal electronic micro-recognition device (microchip). Marking animals exclusively with tattoos is not acceptable in Cyprus. An animal can of course have tattoos, but by law it must also have microchip. The microchip is placed in the second half of the cervix and between the two shoulders of the animal. It's placement is very simple and can be done by any registered private veterinarian. After the placement of the microchip, the veterinarian issues or updates accordingly the health booklet or the passport of the animal, in which the details of the animal and its owner are written.


• Registration of dogs in the register of Veterinary Services


The registration of dogs in the register of Veterinary Services is possible only after the marking of the animal and is done either directly through the internet by the veterinarian who performed the marking, or in one of the local District Veterinary Offices. When the online registration procedure is applied by the veterinarian who has performed the marking of the dog, the owner of the animal is not required to go to the Veterinary Services to carry out the registration. However, in the event that the veterinarian has not gained access to the relevant register, then the dog owner must go to one of the local District Veterinary Offices to register his animal. After the registration of the dog, a certificate of registration and permanent marking is issued, which is given to the owner. It is noted that since 2009 there are no fees for registering dogs in the register of Veterinary Services and so the registration of dogs in Veterinary Services is now free.


The marking of a dog only makes sense if it is followed by its registration in the relevant register kept by the Veterinary Services, as the search for the details of the owner of a found animal that has a microchip but is not registered in the register of Veterinary Services, is practically impossible.


Dog possession license


After registration, the owner must contact the local authority of the dog's place of residence to obtain the relevant possession permit, presenting the certificate of registration and permanent marking and the health booklet or passport of the animal. For more information, citizens can contact the Veterinary Services, as well as the Municipal or Community Council of their area.




Marking and registration of dogs

Adoption of dogs

Adopting a dog is an amazing opportunity to broaden your family and at the same time it offers a pet a second chance in a happy life.


Adopting a dog is not just an experience that can fill you incredibly. Dogs in the shelter also have many additional advantages compared to buying a new puppy.


  • Adult dogs tend to be quieter, with a firm schedule and personality compared to a young puppy.

  • Some older dogs given for adoption will already have been trained at home and will understand the basic instructions.

  • Because there are too many dogs to adopt, it is almost certain that you will find an ideal pet for your case.

  • You will be pleased to offer to a stray the joyful life and love that all animals deserve.


  1. Do you have space? Dogs like to have space to move and do not like to be restricted to small enclosed spaces.

  2. Make sure you have time to meet their emotional, social and physical needs.

  3. Taking care of a dog involves expenses such as pet insurance, visits to the vet, food. A responsible pet owner must be able to meet these needs, so make sure you can do it comfortably before adopting a dog.


Once you’re sure what kind of a dog you want, you can start looking for your new quadruped friend!

Adoption of dogs

Issuance of a dog license

According to Psi Doglon Law 184 (I) of 2002 and Amending Law 137 (I) of 2005, no one can own a dog unless he/she has secured the required license to have a dog by the Competent Authority.

To issue your dog’s possession permit, you must apply to the Municipality of Dromolaxia – Meneou following the below:

a) Mark the dog with a Microchip
b) Ensure a registration certificate from the Veterinary Services
c) Present to the Municipality a certificate or health booklet of your dog with confirmation of examination by the veterinarian of the animal for the current year


Dog Fee License Issuance Fees
Amount Per Category:

Male Dogs Sterilized or Not €20.50
Female Dogs
Sterilized or Not €20.50
Dangerous breeds Sterilized €170.86


Each dog’s owner’s obligations are:

• Ensure the required occupancy permit, which must be renewed once a year
• Provide daily food and water to his dog
• Keep the dog’s living space clean
• Never let the dog cause annoyance and roam uncontrollably in public places
• To collect the dog’s stools from public places
• Do not leave his/her dog unattended
• Inoculate his/her dog always according to the instructions of a registered veterinarian
• Place a billboard at the entrance of his dwelling “BEWARE OF DOG”


The Municipality of Dromolaxia – Meneou invites the citizens to cooperate with municipal services:
If you own a dog, you are kindly requested to contact the Municipality immediately by submitting the above items in order for you to issue the relevant Dog Consent License.

Issuance of a dog license
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